EN Logo Amaggi
Discover the Foundation's Statute


We seek to transform the reality of territories for the better, with the aim of contributing to reducing inequalities among groups and people in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability. Therefore, we work closely with communities, identifying and joining partners. In this way, we seek to strengthen local initiatives and the protagonism of each citizen impacted by our projects.

AMAGGI’s Private Social Investment (ISP)

ISP Policy

The Investment Policy exists to determine how the resources transferred to the André and Lucia Maggi Foundation by its supporting company, AMAGGI, will be managed. Among other guidelines, the policy provides for investment in projects aligned with the Foundation’s mission, vision, and values. We also seek to promote the engagement of stakeholders in community projects, the participation of AMAGGI employees, and total transparency in the work.

Code of Ethical Conduct

Code of Ethical Conduct

Practicing our commitment generates respect and consolidates people's trust, thus solidifying our performance. All advisors, employees, volunteers, partners, and other interested parties are responsible for knowing, accepting, respecting, and disclosing information from the Foundation’s Code of Ethical Conduct, in addition to ensuring strict compliance with its provisions. They must also remain vigilant in preserving and detecting violations of this Code, reporting any breach to the Foundation.


Discover our Governance structure

The Foundation’s governance structure consists of the Board of Trustees, the highest deliberation body; the Fiscal Council, an internal control body with a fiscal nature; and the Management Committee, an executive body. The counselors discuss and validate all decisions involving the institution's financial, structural, and strategic health.


Activity reports

The André and Lucia Maggi Foundation annually publishes information on the performance of its initiatives, as well as results and perspectives aligned with its strategic planning, in addition to financial statements.
The documents are prepared in accordance with the most updated version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, covering the activities carried out by the headquarters (Cuiabá) and its two branches – in Itacoatiara (AM) and Rondonópolis (MT).

Activities Report 2023

Activities Report 2022

Activities Report 2021

Activities Report 2020

Board Reports

In accordance with good transparency and accountability practices, we submit our financial statements to an external audit every year. The document presents the Balance Sheet, Income Statement for the Period, Statement of Changes in Net Equity, and Cash Flow Statement of the André and Lucia Maggi Foundation.

Activities Report 2023

Activities Report 2022

Activities Report 2021

Activities Report 2020

Activities Report 2019

Annual Action Plan

Every year, we plan our actions, programs, and projects. We develop short-, medium-, and long-term strategies that range from more urgent actions, such as delivering basic food baskets to families in vulnerable situations, to strengthening local social organizations and supporting social projects.

Activities Report 2024

Activities Report 2023

Activities Report 2022

Activities Report 2021

Activities Report 2020

Activities Report 2019

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