Group of institutes, foundations and companies (GIFE)
Together with its members, GIFE acts as a center for reflection, organization, and dissemination of information on Private Social Investment in Brazil, in addition to being a hub for the dissemination of cutting-edge technologies in the third sector. It also encourages the formation of partnerships so that actions in the social area are not dispersed so that they form a more efficient set to improve the country's sustainable development conditions. The Foundation has been associated with GIFE since 2010.

Network of Social Investors of Mato Grosso (RIS-MT):
The Network of Social Investors of Mato Grosso (RIS-MT) is an organization created by the Foundation in partnership with the Group of Institutes, Foundations, and Companies (GIFE) and other institutions to expand the impact and results of philanthropic and social investment actions in Mato Grosso, through the collective and coordinated action of social investors, generating measurable and permanent benefits for the region.

Inter-American Network of Foundations and Business Actions for Grassroots Development (RedEAmérica):
It is a business sector network dedicated to sharing experiences, knowledge, and good practices that are aligned with the mission of promoting sustainable communities in Latin America. The Foundation has been a member of RedEAmérica since January 2019.

Thematic Social Responsibility Council (CORES) of the Mato Grosso Industries Federation (FIEMT):
Formed by industrial entrepreneurs and representatives of public and private organizations, CORES-FIEMT carries out debates, actions, and events that interact with the main issues of interest to the Mato Grosso industry. The Foundation has been a member of the Council since 2009.

Joint Platform:
To strengthen civil society organizations' ability to carry out their missions, the ACP Institute, the Humanize Institute, and GIFE (Group of Institutes, Foundations, and Companies), in collaboration with the André and Lucia Maggi Foundation and 24 other sector organizations, members of the Collaborative Advisory Committee, launched the 'Joint Platform.'
The initiative will disseminate knowledge, tools, good management practices, training, building networks, and opportunities to access resources to promote development and strengthen organizations.
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Achievements that make us believe more and more in our role

Child-Friendly Company
Our performance is one reason why AMAGGI has been recognized by the ABRINQ Foundation with the Child-Friendly Company seal since 2008. Every year, ABRINQ receives our activity report and analyzes our actions in favor of the rights of children and adolescents.

Mato Grosso Social Responsibility Certificate
Since 2016, we have been recognized with the Social Responsibility Certificate, granted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mato Grosso (ALMT). We also received the Brotar Award (Sprout) from the Children's Sports Institute of Cuiabá (MT).

Transformers Award 2018
Our Potencializa Project (Strengthen) came in second place in the “Social Investment and Sustainable Communities” category of the ‘Transformadores’ 2019 Award. This award is carried out by RedEAmérica — Inter-American Network of Foundations and Business Actions for Grassroots Development.

Inova MT
The Foundation came in third place in the in the 2022/2023 edition. The award is a recognition of micro, small, and medium-sized multisector companies and institutions that stand out in innovation management. This is an initiative of the Government of the State of Mato Grosso through Seciteci, Fapemat, and Parque Tecnológico Mato Grosso (Technological Park).

12th edition of the Neide Castanha Award
Our action to strengthen the Itacoatiara Protection Network in Amazonas won the 12th edition of the Neide Castanha Award, one of the most important recognitions in defense of human rights aimed at protecting children and adolescents. The initiative, which is a partnership with AMAGGI and Childhood Brasil, was awarded in the “Social Responsibility” category.